Exciting news!
Warren Austin's creative work

Welcome to my website where I will be showing off the fruits of my creative labours! This site has been in the making for some time, and the work you will find on here will be updated regularly, so keep coming back.
You'll find my artwork on the Gallery page, and anything that I put up there will be for sale, so if you'd like to purchase any, please get in contact with me!
Weapon of Mass Instruction is my first attempt at writing a book, and I'm releasing it bit by bit here so I can get it out to a wider audience. Keep coming back as more is released, and keep those fingers crossed for an agent or publishing house to pick it up!
Monkey King is my second writing project, with the aim of releasing very small bits, but often, so keep coming back!
My Blog is where I'll be posting any work in progress I have on my desk. I can't promise that the work will always be successful, but it'll give you an insight into how I work and what's inspiring me at the moment!
Finally, if you'd like to get in touch with me about anything, there's a variety of contact methods you can use.
New on the site
17th April 2022
I've uploaded some Monkey King episodes, the last of what I had written. I'll have to get on with writing some more!
15th April 2022
I've archived a fair bit of work from the Gallery page, and added some new pieces. There are more to add, but they will come
in time
Urgh. Working sucks.
No, it doesn't actually, but working and trying to be creative regularly is not the best combination in the world. Obviously I have not been able to keep up with regularly updating the site, to the extent that I have been considering closing down the site for a long time.
But, obviously I have decided to keep it going in some form at least.
No new Monkey King for a long time - it's one of many projects that is on hold.
New today, Sunday 17th April:
The Monkey King of the Pearl Sea has also been updated here.
If you're coming to Monkey King as a new reader, check out Chapter One here, and the current chapter will be collected here as it will make more sense!
Several complete chapters of Weapon of Mass Instruction has been uploaded, just to get them online - read them here.
Actually, ALL of Weapon of Mass Instruction is now up and online. It's been interesting rereading them as I put them up, and I have to admit that reading the Epilogue may have made me more than a little emotional!

Why 'koneri'?
My first option - the nickname that I use on a lot
of other sites and I rather like the sound of - was rather rudely already taken as a domain name,
so I couldn't pick it.
After some thought and consideration of various options, none of which seemed quite right, I decided to honour my adopted homeland of Cornwall and pick something Cornish.
Using my trusty Cornish/English dictionary (which
I'd bought when I taught one of my tutor groups Cornish in an attempt to keep them quiet. They learned some Cornish, but were never quiet.),
I looked up my name and lo and behold, there it was: koneri.
What do you call a man with 50 rabbits up his bottom?
Yes, hilarious, I know. Wit at it's finest, but there's no escaping that my name is also the name of the burrows where rabbits live, and using the Cornish for it gave me a strong name to use for my website and still allowed me to have a personal connection.
So there you have it, that's why my site is called 'koneri' (for authentic pronunciation, say it really loudly and with as thick a Cornish accent as you can manage), rather than something else.
The site is in its early stages, so please forgive me if I change things around until I find the right format. My plan and aim is to update the site regularly (a couple of times a week at least) so there'll be stuff to look at in no time!